Business Process Maturity Model Assessment
A formal business process maturity assessment can provide the same insights into an organization’s process activities as an OPM3 assessment can do for the project management practitioner community. A properly administered business process maturity assessment will perform a detailed analysis of the following capabilities:
- Organizational Process Management
- Organizational Business Management
- Domain Work Management
- Domain Work Performance
- Organizational Support
An exceptionally rich and robust maturity model is employed to examine multiple subgroups within the above domains, the process area threads that flow between the domains, and the associated capabilities and goals for each domain, subgroup, and thread.
Comparable to the project management maturity assessment, you are provided with a detailed understanding of the current state of business process management practices within your organization. This is provided in a variety of formats in order to assist you with understanding where the organization falls within industry best practices. Additionally, it gives detailed insight into both the leadership’s and the practitioner community’s self-perceptions about your organization’s performance, as well as a detailed accountability against the reality of its actual practices.
At a minimum, a set of detailed recommendations for improvement with an explanatory background are provided for reference; optionally, a report outlining the entire assessment approach, insights, and background — inclusive of observations surrounding best practice considerations — can be provided for historical reference.
The assessment determines a baseline by which improvement activities’ efficacy can be measured, as well as vehicles for improvement identified and acted upon. More mature organizational process activities will result, with the end state being the capability to more rapidly align with business strategies, the capacity to more rapidly support ongoing management improvement efforts, the ability to shepherd more projects and work through to completion, details on how best to implement audits and performance reviews, and a more robust and efficient process governance practice.